Using continuous quality improvement interventions to increase the effectiveness of assisted partner notification services in Kisumu, Kenya. C Dande, R Onyango, G Nyanaro, C Ogolla, E Juma, P Ojula, J Cheruiyot, J Rono, CT Muga, E Mulwa, F Miruka, E Kinywa, F Odhiambo, EA Bukusi, CR Cohen, E Odoyo-June, Z Kwena. International AIDS Conference (IAS). July 2019.
Pediatric Viral Load Suppression: Qualitative Insights of Barriers and Facilitators among Caregivers of Children on ART in High Volume Sites in Kisumu County. Nicollate Okoko, George Owino, Jayne Kulzer, Monica Getahun, Lilian Ageng'o, Michael Omollo, Irene Okumu, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen, Lisa Abuogi. Inter-CFAR Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium. Jan/Feb 2019.
High HIV Prevalance among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Participating in a Community-based HIV Testing Services Program in Western Kenya
Hong-Ha M. Truong, Robin Fatch, Duncan Ogindo, Mary A. Guzé, Esther Wandera, Eliud Akama, Frankline Otieno, Dena Bushman, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Patrick Oyaro, Craig R. Cohen. International AIDS Conference (IAS). July 2018.
Male and Adolescent First-Time HIV Testers Reached by Community Health Initiative
Hong-Ha M. Truong, Dancun Ogindo, Mary A. Guzé, Esther Wandera, Placide Ntwali, Eliud Akama, Frankline Otieno, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Patrick Oyaro and Craig R. Cohen. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). 2018.
Will Targeted Community Outreach Improve HIV Testing Uptake Among Children in Western Kenya?
Samuel Ndolo, Nicollate Okoko, Mary A. Guzé, George Nyanaro, Lenah Nyabiage, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen, Jeremy Penner, Jayne Lewis Kulzer. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). 2018.
Do Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Strategies Increase HIV Testing and Proportion Positive Among Young Men Compared to Non-VMMC Strategies in Kisumu County?
Edwin Mulwa, Dennis Mboya, Mary A. Guzé, George Nyanaro, Steve Osome, Michelle Moghadassi, Jayne Lewis-Kulzer. UoN (Jan 2018) and KASH (Feb 2018).
Retaining adolescents with HIV in care through targeted youth camps in Kisumu, Kenya
Nancy Yienya, Benard Samba, Margaret Mburu, Mary A. Guzé, Geri DelaRosa, Jayne Lewis-Kulzer, Michelle Moghadassi. UoN (Jan 2018) and KASH (Feb 2018).
Evaluation of the impact of the accelerating children’s HIV/ AIDS treatment (ACT) initiative on pediatric and adolescent HIV testing and yield in western Kenya
Okoko, NA, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Pilot of a community-based hybrid HIV testing program as a strategy to saturate testing coverage in western Kenya
Truong H, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Evaluation of a pilot chain peer referral approach for HIV testing among adolescents in Kisumu County, Kenya
Ong’wen P, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Experiences and perceptions of community-based mentor mothers (cMM) supporting HIV-positive pregnant/postpartum women on lifelong antiretroviral therapy in Southwestern Kenya
Helova A, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Evaluating the implementation and impact of the adolescent package of care at health facilities in former Nyanza Province, Kenya
Mburu M, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Toward the first 90: Identifying and testing younger populations for HIV at community outreach events in Kenya
Okoko, NA, et al. IAS Conference on HIV Science. 2017.
Low attainment of virologic suppression among HIV-infected children on antiretroviral treatment 12 months after virologic failure in western Kenya
Kadima J, Patterson B, Mburu M, Blat C, Nyanduko M, Bukusi EA, Oyaro P, Cohen CR, Abuogi L. University of Nairobi of Nairobi Annual HIV/AIDS Collaborative Meeting. 2017.
Targeted community outreach events to improve uptake and yield of HIV testing among children in Kenya
Samuel Ndolo, Nicollate Okoko, Mary A. Guzé, George Nyanaro, Patrick Oyaro, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen, Jeremy Penner, Jayne Lewis Kulzer. UCSF East Africa Collaborative Scientific Symposium. 2017.
They are likely to be there: Family testing approach to facilitate achievement of 90:90:90 strategy among children in Kenya
Nicollate Okoko, Eliud Akama, Maggie Mburu, Frankline Otieno, Julie Kadima, Cinthia Blat, Hellen Muttai, Lisa Abuogi, Patrick Oyaro, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen, Jayne Lewis Kulzer. International AIDS Conference, July 2016.
Does higher body mass index worsen efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy’s negative impact on the contraceptive implant’s effectiveness among HIV-positive women?
Rena C. Patel, Maricianah Onono, Maria Pyra, Jared Baeten, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen. International AIDS Conference, July 2016.
Characteristics of pediatric patients enrolled in HIV clinics over time in Kisumu, Kenya
P. Oyaro, M. Mburu, Jayne Lewis-Kulzer, Starley Shade, George, Nyanaro, Mary Guze, Cinthia Blat, Craig Cohen, Elizabeth Bukusi, L. Abuogi. International AIDS Conference, July 2016.
Can children with HIV reach the 90-90-90 goals?: Viral suppression in a pediatric patient population in western Kenya
Patterson B., Kadima J., Mburu M., Blat C., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR., Oyaro P., Abuogi L. International AIDS Conference, July 2016.
The Effect of a Focused On- Job-Training Approach; A Case of MOH 731 Reporting Tool Uptake in Migori County, Kenya
Charles Kibaara, Cinthia Blat, Elisheba Mutegi, Michael Ahomo, Lucy Atandi, Christopher Owino, Jayne Lewis-Kulzer. 2nd annual M&E Best Practices Conference, September 2014.
Impact of a male centered rapid results initiativeapproach on PMTCT services in FACES supported MOH facilities in Nyanza Province
Akama E., Mburu M., Mutegi E, Nyanaro G., Otieno JP. Ndolo S., Ochanda B., Ojwang’ L. Lewis-Kulzer J., Abuogi L., Oyaro P., Cohen, C.R., Bukusi, E.A., Onono M. IAS Conference 2014.
Measuring HIV-related stigma and discrimination among health workers in Nyanza Province, Kenya
M Durojaiye, J Turan, Z Kwena, P Oyaro, L Nyblade. IAS Conference 2014.
The operational impact of new World Health Organization (WHO) antiretroviral treatment (ART) guidelines on HIV patient volume and program costs in Kisumu sub-County, Kenya.
Oyaro P., Lewis-KulzerJ., Armes M, Shade SB. UC Global Health Day at UC Davis, April 2014.
Data assessment tools to monitor and improve data quality and patient care
Owenga E, Kibaara C, Blat C, Mutegi E, Armes MN, Wafula E, Jelagat J, Ahomo M, Shade S, Lewis-Kulzer J. Informatics e-Public Health Conference in Atlanta, Georgia April 2014.
Towards shared patient data: harmonization of District Health Information System data for nationwide reporting
Kibaara C, Blat C, Mutegi E, Nyanaro G, Ollongo JO, Lewis-Kulzer J. Informatics e-Public Health Conference in Atlanta, Georgia April 2014.
The operational impact of new World Health Organization (WHO) antiretroviral treatment (ART) guidelines on HIV patient volume and program costs in Kisumu sub-County, Kenya
Oyaro P., Lewis-Kulzer J., Armes M., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR., Shade SB. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Extended daily nevirapine prophylaxis for HIV exposed infants improves uptake of HIV testing in Western Kenya
Akama E. Mburu M., Mutegi E, Nyanaro G., Otieno JP. Ndolo S., Ojwang’ L., Lewis-Kulzer J., Abuogi L., Oyaro P., Cohen, C.R., Bukusi, E.A., Onono M. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Impact of a male centered rapid results initiative approach on PMTCT services in FACES supported MOH facilities in Nyanza Province
Okoko N.A., Owuor K., Lewis-Kulzer J., Owino G. Ogolla I., Wandera R., Bukusi E.A., Cohen C.R., Abuogi L. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Factors associated with HIV infection despite overall low transmission rates in HIV Exposed Infants in rural Kenya
Akama, E., Oyaro, P.,Nimz, A., Mburu, M., Diouf, K., Lewis-Kulzer J., Cohen, C.R., Bukusi, E.A., Abuogi, L. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Extended Nevirapine Prophylaxis for Infants and Its Impact on Vertical Transmission Rates at 18 months, a Retrospective Cohort Study
Nimz A, Akama E, Mburu M, Diouf K, Oyaro P, Hongo, B, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Abuogi L. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Infant HIV Outcomes at 18 Months and PMTCT service factors at Lumumba Health Centre, Kisumu, Kenya
Odhiambo N., Lewis-Kulzer J., Armes M.N., Abuogi L., Akama E., Owuor K., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR. UCSF-EA.
Demographic and clinical characteristics associated with timely utilization of cervical cancer prevention services for women enrolled in comprehensive HIV care in western Kenya
Maloba.M, Mburu.M, Emerson. R, Abdulrahim. N, Oyaro. P, Adhiambo. H, Aluda. M , Cohen CR, Bukusi.E.A, Huchko. M. UoN & UCSF-EA.
Towards Shared Patient Data: Harmonization of District Health Information System Data for Nationwide Reporting
Kibaara C., Blat C., Mutegi E., Nyanaro G., Kulzer J. KASH.
Data assessment tools to monitor and improve data quality and patient care
Owengah E., Kibaara C., Blat C., Mutegi E., Armes M., Wafula E., Jelagat J., Ahomo M. , Shade S., Lewis-Kulzer J. KASH.
Evaluating the association of treatment buddy (TBy) with antiretroviral therapy clinic attendance adherence in Kisumu, Kenya
Kibaara C., Blat C., Lewis-Kulzer J., Mbullo P., Cohen CR., Bukusi EA. 17th ICASA Conference.
The Effects of Changes in Kenya HIV Guidelines on ART Use at a Health Facility in Western Kenya
Patrick Oyaro, Mary Armes, Lisa Abuogi, Starley Shade, Craig R Cohen, Elizabeth A Bukusi. 17th ICASA Conference.
PMTCT Failure: The Role of Maternal and Facility Related Factors
Onono Maricianah, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Kevin Owuor, Lisa Abuogi, Sophie Otticha, Janet Turan, Glenda Gray, Craig R. Cohen. 17th ICASA Conference.
Extended Nevirapine Prophylaxis for Infants and its Impact on Vertical Transmission Rates at 18 months, a Retrospective Cohort Study
Akama E, Oyaro P, Nimz A, Mburu M, Diouf K, Hongo B, Lewis-Kulzer J, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Abuogi L. NASCOP eMTCT and KMA conference.
Factors associated with HIV infection despite overall low transmission rates in HIVExposed Infants in rural Kenya
Okoko NA, Owuor K, Lewis-Kulzer J, Owino G, Ogolla I, Wandera R, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Abuogi L. NASCOP eMTCT and KMA conference.
Infant HIV Outcomes at 18 Months and PMTCT service factors at Lumumba Health Centre, Kisumu, Kenya
Odhiambo N, Lewis-Kulzer J, Armes MN, Abuoqi L, Eliud A, Owuor K, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. NASCOP eMTCT and KMA conference.
Increasing health system efficiency: Use of motorcycles for patient outreach in Kisumu, Nyanza Province
D. O’Farrell, K. Nichols, K. Harrison, M. Lutukai, J. Lewis-Kulzer, G. Agengo, P. Oyaro, I. Sakura. IAS 2013.
Factors associated with post-operative follow-up after voluntary male medical circumcision at twelve health facilities in five districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Arbogast Oyanga, Jayne Lewis Kulzer, Thomas Odeny, Kevin Owuor, Patrick Oyaro, Charles Kirui, George Nyanaro, Craig R. Cohen, Elizabeth A. Bukusi. IAS 2013.
A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of Antenatal Care and HIV Treatment Integration in Rural Kenya
Craig R. Cohen, Janet M. Turan, Sierra Washington, Starley Shade, Marta Ackers, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha and Elizabeth A. Bukusi. IAS 2013.
Evaluating the association of Treatment buddy (TBy) to ART appointment adherence and retention in Kisumu
Kibaara, C., Blat, C., Lewis-Kulzer, J.K., Mbullo P., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR. UoN 2013.
Increasing health system efficiency: Use of motorcycles for patient outreach in Kisumu, Nyanza Province
D. O'Farrell, K. Nichols, K. Harrison, M. Lutukai, J. Lewis-Kulzer, G. Agengo, P. Oyaro, I. Sakura. UoN 2013.
An evaluation of timeliness and turnaround time in early infant diagnosis at Migori District Hospital, Nyanza, Kenya
Kadima, J., Gikonyo, L., Dillabaugh, L., Owuor, K., Cohen, CR., Bukusi, EA. UoN 2013.
Preliminary data from the LTFU study
UoN 2013.
Factors associated with post-operative follow-up after voluntary medical male circumcision in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Arbogast Oyanga. UoN 2013.
Characteristics of clients undergoing repeat HIV counseling and testing compared to clients newly-tested for HIV in Nyanza Province
Oyaro P, Owuor K, Ng'eno H, Ong'wen P, Shade SB, Lewis-Kulzer J, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. UoN 2013.
The effect of changes in Kenya HIV guidelines on proportion of patients on ART and patient characteristics at initiation in Lumumba Health Centre, Western Kenya
Oyaro P, Armes MN, Dillabaugh, L, Shade S, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA. UoN 2013.
Effects of defaulter counselling on subsequent default rates among patients in HIV care in Kisumu, Kenya
Okumu D., Lewis Kulzer J., Shade S.B., Penner J., Oyaro P., Dillabaugh L., Oyanga A., Owuor K., Blat C., Geng E., Cohen C.R., Bukusi E.A. XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Toward elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: The impact of Rapid Results Initiative in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Ndege V., Dillabaugh L., Lewis-Kulzer, J., Owuor K., Oyanga A., Shade SB., Akama E., Agengo G., Apuot S., Otieno JP., Onono M., Odhiambo N., Oyaro P., Ngugi E., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR. XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Impact of recent ART guidelines on Incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in children with HIV in Kenya: Re-evaluating the need for pre-exposure preventive therapy
XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Evaluation of the WHO algorithm for TB screening in HIV-infected children
N.Yienya, H. Leslie, C. Mwachari, C.R. Cohen, L. Dillabaugh. XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Value of tuberculin skin testing and chest x-ray in turberculosis intensive case finding amongst HIV-infected children
L. Dillabaugh, L. Sanguli, H. Leslie, C. Mwachari. XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Cost per call anaysis of Uliza! Clinicians’ HIV Hotline: A telephone consultation services in Kenya
James Ayieko, Lisa Dillabaugh, Kevin Owuor, Jeremy Penner, Elizabeth Bukusi. XIX IAS in Washington DC, USA, July 2012.
Reduced time to initiation of anti-retroviral therapy at integrated TB/HIV sites compared to non-integrated sites: A retrospective cohort study in rural Kenya
PACE HIV Symposium in Nairobi, June 2012.
Migrant fisherfolk and factors associated with with HIV clinic attendance in Suba District, Kenya
Lindah Otieno, Kevin Owuor, Jeremy Penner, Jayne Lewis Kulzer, Starley Shade, Dickens Otieno, John Owiti, Craig R. Cohen, Elizabeth E. Bukusi. PACE HIV Symposium in Nairobi, June 2012.
Family model of HIV care and treatment – building on family strengths
Lewis Kulzer J., Penner J., Marima R., Oyaro P., Oyanga A., Shade SB., Blat C., Nyabiage L., Mwachari C., Muttai H., Bukusi EA., Cohen CR. PACE HIV Symposium in Nairobi, June 2012.
Implementation of Daily Nevirapin (dNVP) Prophylaxis in HIV Exposed Breastfeeding Infants in Western Kenya
Khady Diouf, Mercy Wanjiru, Noah Tuma, Lisa Dillabaugh, Valerie Ndege, Patrick Oyaro, Elizabeth Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen. PACE HIV Symposium in Nairobi, June 2012.
Presentation: Uliza Clinicians’ Hotline
Presentation: Rapid Decentralised Scale-up of HIV Care and Treatment in Suba District MOH Health Facilities
Presentation: Youth HIV Services: Combining Prevention and Treatment
Integration of HIV Care with Primary Care Services: Impact on Patient Knowledge, Satisfaction, and Stigma in Rural Kenya
Odeny TA, Penner J, Lewis-Kulzer J, Kioko J, Huchko M, Adero W, Mbullo P, Muttai H, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA. 4th International Workshop on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis and Prevention Research in Resource-Poor Settings (INTEREST), in Maputo, Mozambique, 2010.
Case Fatality Due to Cryptococcal Meningitis in a Retrospective Cohort in Kenya
Kendi C, Penner J, Koech J, Nyonda M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Muttai H, Meyer AC. 18th International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2010.
Maximizing Human Resources by Involving Lay Health Care Workers in HIV Service Delivery in Kenya
Agengo G., Lewis-Kulzer J., Nyabiage L., Penner J., Cohen CR., Bukusi EA. 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, in Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
Sports Based HIV Prevention Program for HIV+ and HIV- Youth
Albon, Jennifer; Cohen, Craig; Adudans, Steve. Global Health Education Consortium Conference in Sacramento, CA, April 2008.
Improving Enrollment and Retention of Youth into HIV Services: Lessons Learned from Kisumu, Kenya
Otieno V., Marima R., Odhiambo J., Penner J., Agot K., Bukusi EA., Cohen C. 17th International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, 2008.
Optimizing HIV Services for Female Sex Workers: Strategic Collaborations to Improve Access to Care
Adudans S., Luttah G., Langat L., Vandenhoudt H., Kendi C., Penner J., Cohen CR., Bukusi EA. 17th International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, 2008.
Towards Universal Access: Decentralization in Rural Kenya
Adero W.S., Soti D., Penner J., Marima R., Kwaro O.P.D., Bukusi E.A., Cohen C.R. 17th International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, 2008.
Simplified Systems for Rapid Scale Up of ‘Food by Prescription’ in Nyanza, Kenya
Oyuga R., Marima R., Penner J., Njoroge B., Cohen CR., Bukusi EA. 3rd International Workshop on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis and Prevention Research in Resource-Poor Settings in Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
As Little as One Peer Educator Can Increase Acceptance of HIV Testing in a PMTCT Programme
Penner, J., Marima R., Olubwayo C., Onunga, S., Bukusi EA., Cohen, CR. International AIDS Society Conference in Toronto, Canada, August 2006.
Youth-Specific HIV Services: A Partnership to Combine Prevention & Treatment
Kawango Agot, Reson Marima, Jeremy Penner, Collins Opeya, Elizabeth Bukusi, Craig Cohen, Mercy Muthui, Elizabeth Marum. PEPFAR, HIV/AIDS Implementers Meetings in Durban, June 2006.
One Coordinated HIV Prevention and Treatment Program for Suba District, Kenya
Jeremy Penner. PEPFAR, HIV/AIDS Implementers Meetings in Durban, June 2006.
Peer Educators as an Effective Tool to Increase Acceptance of HIV Testing in PMTCT Programs
Penner J., Marima R., Olubwayo C., Onunga S., Bukusi EA., Cohen, CR. PEPFAR, HIV/AIDS Implementers Meetings in Durban, June 2006.
A Directed Health Care Staff Utilization Plan to Optimize Human Resources while Expanding Quality HIV Care
Lyons C., Penner J., Marima R., Cohen CR., Bukusi EA. PEPFAR, HIV/AIDS Implementers Meetings in Durban, June 2006.