This week, researchers from around the world are gathering at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston to share research to help in the battle against HIV/AIDS and related diseases.
FACES program and affiliated research teams are sharing findings on community HIV testing approaches, economics and repeat HIV testing in pregnancy, text messaging for PMTCT retention, among others:
Will Targeted Community Outreach Improve HIV Testing Uptake Among Children in Western Kenya?
Samuel Ndolo, Nicollate Okoko, Mary A. Guzé, George Nyanaro, Lenah Nyabiage, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Craig R. Cohen, Jeremy Penner, Jayne Lewis Kulzer
Poster Abstract
Male and Adolescent First-Time HIV Testers Reached by Community Health Initiative
Hong-Ha M. Truong, Dancun Ogindo, Mary A. Guzé, Esther Wandera, Placide Ntwali, Eliud Akama, Frankline Otieno, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Patrick Oyaro and Craig R. Cohen
Repeat HIV Testing During Pregnancy in Kenya: An Economic Evaluation
Anna Joy Rogers, Janet M.Turan, Ellen F. Eaton, Stephen T. Mennemeyer (#1147, Wednesday, 2:30pm-4:00pm, poster hall B)
Test Messaging for Retention in PMTCT: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomized Trial
Thomas A. Odeny, James P. Hughes, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Eliud Akama, Elvin Geng, King Holmes, R. Scott McClelland (#812 Monday, 2:30-4:00pm, poster hall D)
Effect of a patient-centered phone call by a clinical officer at time of HIV testing or re-contact on linkage to care in rural Kenya
James Ayieko, Erick Wafula, Wilson Opudo, Craig R. Cohen, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Tamara D. Clark, Laura B. Balzer, Moses R. Kamya, Edwin D. Charlebois, Maya L. Petersen, Diane V. Havlir
Who Remains Untested Following Near-Universal (>95%) Population HIV Testing?
Dalsone Kwarisiima, Jane Kabami, Norton Sang, Kevin Kadede, Atukunda Mucunguzi, Katherine Snyman, Tamara D. Clark, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Teri Liegler, Edwin D. Charlebois, Laura B. Balzer, Maya L. Petersen, Moses R. Kamya, Diane V. Havlir, Gabriel Chamie